The R03 system sets the nearfield performance level to another game. It combines a very compact 3-way cabinet with a high performance fully-regulated power amplifier. Both elements are specially designed to deliver fastest transients ad supreme stereo field and depth reproduction accuracy, both necessary from recording to mixing.
Versatility is the key for R03P Speaker in studio environments, thanks to their unique full-range design: the mid frequency speaker works between 110Hz and 8kHz to guarantee coherent emission and phase response. Thanks to the sealed box, the R03P system can be placed in critical position without compromising bass performances.
User can choice from 5 different positions of mid frequency response: this is possible only because this control works on the mid woofer current, not an eq, but a linear control. From loudness position (-2dB) to presence position (+2dB) continuously variable in 5 step (0 linear set), you can adapt various things: personal preference, environment position, focus on peculiar frequencies…